For my first game I wanted to take on something that was simple enough for me to do but hard enough that I actually learn some things. This project ticked a lot of those boxes. I have been having an absolute blast making it and can’t wait to share it.
The premise is simple. You start out at the exit but it is locked and requires three keys. You must find each of the three randomly located keys to unlock the door and escape. The catch is that you must do this all while being hunted by something. If you catch it in your flashlight before it catches you, keep it there. It cannot move while in the light. This can give you enough time to backup and run. If you keep it in the light for too long, you may anger it. Causing it to rush you at triple it’s normal speed. You will not outrun it!
Every key you pick up angers the creature. It will get faster and you will need to listen carefully for it’s whispers before it catches up with you. Your flashlight will drain over time and you can find up to 3 batteries randomly located around the maps key areas. If your flashlight battery reaches 0 you will not be able to stop it from coming towards you…